10 Tips for Promoting Your Small Business from Online Entrepreneurs

Highlights from the FedEx #Smallbizchat How to Grow an Online Business Discussion

How do you promote your small business? You can use content marketing. You can focus on social media. You can host some sales or other events. And that’s just the start.

For more ideas on how to give your small business a boost this spring, check out these tips from members of our small business community.

Use These Spring Promotion Ideas for Family Friendly Businesses

Spring is a great time to try to appeal to families with your marketing. And there are some really great promotional ideas out there, including the ones listed in this post for family friendly recreation businesses by Jenny Hayward of Signpost.

Use a Blog to Boost Your Business

Blogging isn’t exactly a new promotional strategy for businesses. But it’s important that you have an actual plan for how you can use a blog to really boost your business. Marc Prosser elaborates in this post on the CorpNet blog.

Create High Converting Content

Whether you’re creating blog posts, social media or other types of content, you need to always keep in mind how that content is going to convert customers. In this Content Marketing Institute post, Shane Barker shares how you can create high converting content for your business.

Drive Traffic With LinkedIn Marketing

When you think of social media marketing, your mind probably goes right to Facebook or maybe Twitter. But there are some powerful tools on LinkedIn that you can use to promote your business, as Ravi Chahar outlines in this Inspire to Thrive post. You can also see commentary on the post over on BizSugar.

Use Customer Empowerment to Improve Retention Rates

Your small business’s promotions shouldn’t be all about gaining new customers. It can also be about improving retention rates. This Kissmetrics post by Nadav Dakner goes into more detail about how customer empowerment can improve retention rates for small businesses.

Discover the Anatomy of a Perfect Guest Post

Guest posting on other blogs and websites can also be a great way to promote your blog or business. To learn about what makes a perfect guest post, check out this case study by Ryan Biddulph on Basic Blog Tips.

Bring in Higher Returns Through eCommerce

eCommerce isn’t just a tool for businesses to offer products for sale. It can actually offer other benefits as well, including the potential for improved marketing. Read more about this concept in this post by Ethan Theo on Getentrepreneurial.com.

Create a Successful B2B Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing isn’t just for B2C businesses. You can also create a successful strategy to promote your company with potential business customers, as this Prepare 1 post by Blair Evan Ball explains.

Keep Up With SEO Trends

SEO can be a very helpful tool for online businesses. But since it’s a constantly evolving concept, it’s important to keep up with trends. Ivan Widjaya discusses the concept in this SMB CEO post.

Learn How to Market to Millennials

Targeting millennials with your marketing promotions isn’t the same as targeting baby boomers or any other generation. So you actually have to learn how to speak to each group specifically. Rick Verbanas shares some tips in this Your Guerrilla Marketer post.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: [email protected].

Online entrepreneur photo via Shutterstock


Annie Pilon Annie Pilon is a Senior Staff Writer for Small Business Trends, covering entrepreneur profiles, interviews, feature stories, community news and in-depth, expert-based guides. When she’s not writing she can be found exploring all that her home state of Michigan has to offer.

6 Reactions
  1. Having a blog really helps as it gives you a place to put up some content.

  2. Promotion is all about building connections. It is no longer about spamming and just getting backlinks.

  3. Innovative content helps to attract the customers easily. Each and ever tips are so valuable and informative. Great post. Thank you for sharing.

    Tara, Bizbilla

  4. Why are all business marketing recommendation core focused on internet marketing. We have a lot more success with word of mouth recommendations, printed literature and trade shows. Yet, search for SMB marketing on-line produces all the same results…. Blah, blah, blah… blog. Blah…blah…blah, content.

  5. Hi Annie – that’s a great roundup of some very solid tips.

    On the anatomy of a blog post, it’s amazing how often people rush out to buy/lease expensive tools and services to find out “what works.”

    10 minutes checking out the SERPS will show you exactly what Google ranks and a lot of hints as to why…and it’s free 🙂

  6. Benson Chidiebere

    wow…..am in love with this content. it is a top level content.