12 Tips for Writing Better Content

Admit it: Sometimes you wonder if your content is really any good. Sure, you worked hard to write it, but you’re a business owner, not a professional writer. Are readers connecting with it? Do they understand what you’re trying to say? Is there an easy way for you to tighten things up and improve upon what’s already there?

Fear not, of course there is! Here are some tips to help you improve and write better content. It’s like 10th grade English without the fear of getting called on when you’re not paying attention.

Before you start writing…

1. Identify the goal of the content: One reason it takes us so long to write good content is because we don’t stop to decide what it is we want to say. What are you hoping your content will accomplish? Is the purpose of your article to explain how something works, put a customer on a determined conversion path, build brand trust? Whatever goal you’ve decided on, have it in mind before you start writing. Knowing your goal beforehand will help set the tone (and sometimes the filter) for everything that’s about to come next.

2. Decide on a hook: Every piece of content you write should have a hook. Just like in fishing, your hook is what you’re using to catch a reader in your net. Whether it’s a news hook, an attack hook, a humor hook or an ego hook, you want to decide how you’re going to draw people in. Keeping the hook  in mind will help you frame your article and organize it in your head. It will also determine the writing style that you use. You wouldn’t write a news hook with the same juice you’d use to write an incentive hook.

3. Think like your reader: Before you put fingers to keyboard, get in the mindset of your audience because your content is for them. If you’re attempting to explain something, talk about it from their point of view. How deeply would they need something broken down? Which terms would they use? Where might they get confused? Put yourself in the place of your customers and write like they would. Don’t use your view of the world. You’re the expert. It’s tainted with jargon.

4. Get rid of distractions: Log out of Facebook. Close Twitter. Stay away from YouTube. While it’s easy to head to these sites during a brain lull, they’ll only make your content sound more fragmented and make you spend three times as long trying to write. When it’s time to write, turn them off.

When you’re writing…

5. Only include what’s relevant: Do you still have the goal of your content fresh in your mind? Good. When you start writing, keep that goal in mind so that you only include information that supports your goal. Just because you know the whole alphabet about a subject doesn’t mean all of it belongs in one piece of content. For example, if you’re writing about how to make a good vanilla latte (my drug of choice), then you don’t need to include a five-page summary on the history of coffee, where the best beans are located, and how to brew the perfect cup. Leave the kitchen sink at home. The more irrelevant information you include, the further you take people away from your goal and the more you confuse them along the way.

6. Let yourself write: Stop me when this starts to sound familiar: You write a sentence. . . then you delete. You write three more and delete two. Then you get rid of a whole paragraph and pick at your title. Stop it! Writing and editing are two different stages of the content cycle, which means you shouldn’t attempt to do them simultaneously. When you sit down to write, just write; don’t self-edit. Focus on getting everything out that you want to say and putting it all down. Once it’s written down, then you can edit and make it sound cohesive. But the more time you spend self-editing as you’re writing, the longer and more fragmented your copy is going to sound.

7. Use short sentences: Short sentences are easier for writers to get out. They’re also easier for readers to take in. Stick with them and stop confusing people with overly complicated writing. Like short sentences, it’s that simple.8.

8. Use clear, direct titles: One of the best things you can do to improve your writing is learn to write killer titles. Direct titles aren’t always the most fun to write (who doesn’t love a good pun?), but they do the best job of telling readers and the search engines what your post is about. And that is your title’s main goal – to set up your content and make someone want to read it. Avoid getting so clever with your titles that you make it impossible for readers to predict what’s coming next or, even worse, set them up to be disappointed when your content isn’t about what they hoped it was. When all else fails, say what you mean. It’s true in life and in Web content.

9. Make it scannable: In our post on 4 things to consider when writing Web content, I encouraged readers to consider the medium when writing. Writing on the Web is different from other formats. Online, scannable content reigns supreme, as users still aren’t so great at reading on the Web. If there are five things you want readers to take away from your page, break them out into a numbered list and make it easy for users to grab on to them.  Lists, white space and short paragraphs are your best friends on the Web (other than links).

10.Use your voice: The quickest way to make your content unreadable is to remove yourself from it. In order for people to care, you have to give them a little bit of you. Voice an opinion, wear your heart on your sleeve, and write like it matters to you. It will take a little experimenting to find your blog but once you do it will make all the difference in engaging readers and bringing them into your site and your company.

Before you publish…

11. Read your content aloud: If you want to improve your content, read it aloud to yourself before you publish it to the Web or hand it to a customer. If you stumble over something  or think you’re being too wordy, so will your reader, and it may turn them off. I never publish or commit to any piece of writing before I’ve read it aloud to myself several times. Once I can get through it without stammering, I trust that it’s “ready.”

12. Read backwards: If you often fall victim to typos and misspellings, then scan your copy backwards to allow your brain to see words out of context instead of subconsciously seeing “what you meant.”

Those are some of my tried-and-true ways of improving my writing. What tips have you picked up over the years? Whose writing do you most try to emulate?


Lisa Barone Lisa Barone is Vice President of Strategy at Overit, an Albany Web design and development firm where she serves on the senior staff overseeing the company’s marketing consulting, social media, and content divisions.

20 Reactions
  1. Lisa,

    Thank you for another winner!

    I like your use of the word, scannable. The net has turned us into a bunch of scanners.

    However, really good content that grabs us..that’s a different story.

    Your post grabbed me. I “read” it.

    The Franchise King

  2. Lisa, I’m surprised you didn’t mention your egg timer because sometimes we all could use a little extra push to get things done.

  3. Apart from great content, I think it’s extremely important to utilize formatting and designing techniques to make your content easy to read and understand on the web. Use the right font size, colors, bulleted/numbered lists, illustrations/infographics, indentation,etc.

  4. Ah, I need one of those egg timers!! Where did you get yours??
    Actually, I use a web-based one, which is great except it is easy to get distracted once you open the browser… 😉

  5. Lisa: Read backwards was a new thing for me. I have to test that. Thank you very much.

    Robert & Joel: How about the stop watch on the iPhone? Otherwise you could get a time management system, e.g. Chrometa, so you could be able to mearsure your time in a good way.

  6. Great tips under “12 tips for writing better content”. I am a new blogger and I want to use in my blog (http://amarprakash.blogspot.comO) to raise the consciencous of the Indian people and the Indian Govt. at various level as I will soon be leaving the USA (been here 42 years)for India for good. I think I learnt a lot from your “tips”.

  7. That’s an awesome idea about reading your stuff backwards! I’m going to try it. I’ve been reading my content aloud, or at least I try to because I revert to reading silently again. I guess it’s just habit.

    Hope you’re well. 🙂

  8. very nice lisa! I agree, getting rid of distractions and LETTING your WRITE when its time are very important for me. Good points, thanks for sharing.

  9. Wonderful suggestions for freshers as well as regulars. Enjoyable reading.

  10. Thanks for the suggestions. I am sure that these tips will help me in writing as I am a new content writer.

  11. thank you for the help

  12. Lisa thank you very much for your work, helped me a lot this article. Greetings from Argentina, Carolina.

  13. Set clear, achievable objectives for creating content and put some real thought into it. Develop good content and gain readers confidence, these readers will always come back to your site for new updates.

  14. I like #12, never thought of that. Thanks for the tip.

  15. Anjana Shivakumar

    Thanks so much for this content. Its very informative and helpful.

  16. Indeed a great post about writing tips.

    I believe that writing quality is just like an addiction. If we have the qualities to write awesome content then our readers can easily get addicted to our content.

    All we need is to improve our writing style.

    I have seen most of the people don’t care about their writing style and just keep writing heavy heavy paragraphs. Instead of writing heavy paragraphs, they should understand that It can scare any reader before reading the 1st line of the paragraph.

    According to me, We should always write short and to the point paragraphs. Short paragraphs can easily attract readers and can encourage them to read the complete article.

    You have written such an awesome article. Thanks for sharing it with us. 😀

  17. “If you are sitting down to write because you know that you need to then there’s a good chance it will come out sounding rubbish, so unless you actually feel inspired to write your post, go for a walk and come back later.”

    Ugh. I don’t agree with that at all. Take it from someone that has to create content on a daily basis and is actually doing the NaNoWriMo at the moment: If you wait till you feel inspired to write, you will never get any writing done.

    The secret to writing is to sit your ass down and write. No excuses. Like a pro. Tiger Woods might not be in the mood to do to the driving range every day, but he still does it, because that is what he needs to do.

    Yes, I’m a big fan of Steven Pressfield and his book “The War of Art”

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