Get More Done in Less Time With These Community Tips

Get More Done in Less Time With These Community Tips

Running a successful business can be time consuming. So that means you should look for ways to save time on business tasks wherever possible. Members of our small business community have found some of the best ways to save time and get more done. Check out some of their top tips in the list below.

Use These Online Marketing Tools to Accelerate Growth

Growth can sometimes seem to take forever for new businesses. But with the help of the right tools, like the ones included in this post by Neil Patel, you can accelerate that growth. You can also see what BizSugar members had to say about the post here.

Stop Procrastinating at Work

Every business owner and professional has procrastinated at one point or another. But making a habit of it can really put your success on hold. So Alex Shteingardt shares some tips in this Hays post on how to stop procrastinating at work.

Achieve Incredible ROI With Viral Videos

If you’re going to use video marketing for your business, you can spend time creating a lot of videos, or you can put your efforts into making fewer videos go viral. In this post by Adam Chandler on the Jonny Ross Consultancy blog, you can see how five brands achieved incredible results and ROI with viral videos.

Consider Your “Why”

There’s a lot that goes into running a business, so much so that people sometimes lose track of why they go into business in the first place. But the why is important, as Rachel Strella explains in this Strella Social Media post. You can also see discussion about the post over on BizSugar.

Win Mobile-First Micro Moments

Mobile technology isn’t just changing the devices that people use to access the internet. It has also changed the ways in which they interact with content, media and advertisements. So how do you navigate those changes? Brian Solis explores the concept of mobile micro moments in this Marketing Land post.

Generate Leads Through Content Marketing

You already know that you can use content marketing to share your expertise and get the word out about your business. But if you’re able to also generate leads through your content, you can use it to grow your business even more. This SETalks post by Manam Iqbal discusses how you can generate leads through content marketing.

Demonstrate These Key Factors of Personal Resiliance

Successful business owners need to be resilient, or you’ll waste too much time trying to pick yourself back up after failures or struggles. In this post, Martin Zwilling of Startup Professionals Musings shares five key factors of personal resilience and how they can lead to business success. And BizSugar members comments on the post here.

Create a FAQ Page for Your Blog

If you’re a blogger or business owner, you probably get questions from readers or customers all the time. And lots of those questions are probably asked over and over again. For that reason, having a FAQ page, which Ann Smarty details in this MyBlogU post, can help you save time over the long run.

Use Strategic Planning to Achieve Business Success

If you go into business without a plan, you’re likely to waste a lot of time trying to figure things out. But if you have a strategic plan, as Ivan Widjaya discusses in this Noobpreneur post, you can operate with a better idea of what you want to achieve and how to get there.

Use the Best Marketing Automation Platforms

Automation can certainly save you a lot of time in running and marketing your business. But not all platforms are created equal. In this DreamGrow post, William Johnson shares some of the pros and cons of various marketing automation platforms. And the BizSugar community shares thoughts on the post here.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to:  [email protected]

Productivity Photo via Shutterstock

Annie Pilon Annie Pilon is a Senior Staff Writer for Small Business Trends, covering entrepreneur profiles, interviews, feature stories, community news and in-depth, expert-based guides. When she’s not writing she can be found exploring all that her home state of Michigan has to offer.

4 Reactions
  1. Annie: Thanks for compiling these entries from BizSugar and other places. It is a great way of continuing the conversation on different small business related topics.

  2. I came here void of any motivation. I just don’t feel like going out there and commenting. But I sat with what I am feeling and did it anyway.

  3. Have any of you heard of the pomodoro technique? This has been very effective for me especially for managing time.

  4. A FAQ page can save you a lot of time. When people ask questions, you can just direct them to the FAQ. You can even instruct your customer service representatives to do the same.

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