SBA Announces $3 Million in Grants for Small Business Cyber Security

Grants for Small Business Cyber Security

The Small Business Administration (SBA) has announced $3 million in new funding for state governments to assist emerging small businesses develop their cyber security infrastructure.

Grants for Cybersecurity for Small Business

The funding is part of the Cybersecurity for Small Business Pilot Program, offering through the Office of Entrepreneurial Development.

State governments are able to compete for grants that will help small business owners and start-ups maintain robust cybersecurity measures.

Protecting Small Businesses Against Cyber Crime

With more reliance on technology and the digitalization of business operations, cybercrime is increasing at an alarming speed. Subsequently, it is more important than ever that small businesses are protected against the threat of hacks and other cybercrime that could potentially devastate them.

The new funding will help create a safer cyber environment for small businesses by giving them the right training and tools to help make them less prone to potentially crippling cyberattacks.

Talking about the growing cybercrime threat and the aim of the cybersecurity funding, SBA Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman said:

“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, small businesses have adopted technology at high rates to survive, operate, and grow their businesses. As a result, cybersecurity has become increasingly important as now, more than ever before, small business owners face cyber risks and challenges that could disrupt their operations and competitive advantages.

“As we seek to build a stronger and more inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem, we must innovate and provide resources to meet the evolving needs of the growing number of small businesses. With this new funding opportunity, the SBA intends on leveraging the strengths across our state governments, territories, and tribal governments to provide services to help small businesses get cyber ready and, in the process, fortify our nation’s supply chains,” the SBA Administrator continued.

Eligible applicants consist of state governments with aspirations to provide cybersecurity training, counseling, remediation and other services related to limiting the cybercrime threat to small businesses.

Grantees will be awarded up to $1 million to assist small businesses.

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Image: Depositphotos

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Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead is a professional freelance writer and journalist based in the United Kingdom. Since 2006, Gabrielle has been writing articles, blogs and news pieces for a diverse range of publications and sites. You can read "Gabrielle’s blog here.".

9 Reactions
  1. SMBs need all the help they can get in the SMB realm. It’s a major area of concern.

  2. How do we apply for this funding?

  3. Hi, my name is Noah Siran from Kenya. I’m inspired by your great move. Cyber security is a major threat to many businesses I have interacted with for the last three years. Companies develop new websites from time to time because they cannot cope with this threat. I became a victim in 2017 when a ransomware attacked my PC and destroyed all my data and information. I would appreciate if I become part of a team pushing such important initiative. Fantastic!!!

    • The democrats politicians will stuff their pockets before you ever see any of it.

      Just like RFF Grant and others

      SBA.” OH you qualify financially but uh, we can’t confirm with IRS therefore your grant is denied.

      Emails like that went to Millions of Americans Self employed

  4. This sounds great! I have a Construction Cleanup business, but. I haven’t started back with contracts yet due to Covid-19. Can I still get assistance with getting my business set up for Cyber Security?

  5. Great..that means more IG posts of stacks of cash on a bed in a 2k per night hotel, 5k purses, 100k cars ETC..WAY TO GO

  6. Hi how can apply for this grant ? What are the requirements?
    Thank You

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