Business Book Review FAQs

Small Business Trends has one of the largest collections of professional reviews of small business books and entrepreneur books. This book review FAQ will help you understand how to submit your business book to us for review.

How Do I Submit a Business Book for Review?

To submit a book for review here at Small Business Trends:

  • Email us at: [email protected]
  • Put “Book review” in the subject line
  • Keep the email short, with a brief description of your book

If we decide to review your book, our book editor will contact you with instructions on the submission process.


We review only business-related books. All books must appeal to a small-business or entrepreneur audience.  All formats and types of publishing are eligible. This includes eBooks, print books, self-published books, and traditionally-published books.

Ethics Policy

Small Business Trends does not request or accept payment for reviewing or adding them to our book lists. Our reviewers are also required to meet this ethics policy.

Editorial Staff

Our Book Editors are Ivana Taylor and Pierre DeBois. Staff reviewers assist the Editors.

Review Copies

Most of our reviewers prefer electronic review copies.  Review copies are for purposes of facilitating the review only.

Book Sell Sheet

A sell sheet is a 1- to 2-page document outlining highlights of the book. A sell sheet is helpful, but not essential. Reviewers sometimes start with these to see what the author believes is most important about the book.  If you do not have a sell sheet, don’t worry. Fewer than 50% of books we review have a sell sheet.

To see examples, visit our Business Books or browse our Business Books lists.

What is the Criteria for Reviewing My Business Book?

Our criteria for what makes a good business book is viewed through the lens of a small business owner.  When reviewing business books, consider how well your book answers these questions:


Will owners be able to use your book’s information in their businesses? Does it solve a problem or perhaps help the owner meet a goal or improve their business?  Does it offer lessons for the owner’s self improvement?


Is the book understandable? Is the quality and quantity of content high?


Is the subject matter new? If an established area, does the author deliver a fresh and new spin on it?

Business owners are pragmatic when it comes to books.  How-to books, simple guides and practical advice tend to be valued.  Lessons-learned, success stories and biographies are also popular with business owners.

Will My Book Get Reviewed?

We cannot guarantee to review every book. We have a small team of volunteers and receive many requests. We’ll contact you if we need more information.

Pro tip: The best way of following up is to set your Google Alerts to your book title, and you will get notified if a review has been published.

Last updated May 22, 2020