Anita Campbell - CEO

Anita Campbell
I'm Anita Campbell. I am the Founder, CEO and Publisher of Small Business Trends. I founded this site back in 2003. If you'd like to know more about my background, please check out my About Anita Campbell page. If you'd like to know more about this site and the company I've built, read the About Small Business Trends page. To chat with me personally or peek into what I'm doing, reach me over at Twitter: @anitacampbell. Please also check out 7 Things About Me, in case you'd like to read something a bit more fun and offbeat. For additional contact information to reach either me or someone else on this site directly, please visit our Contact page.

What is public relations ?

What is Public Relations?

PR is defined as communicating to inform and persuade. See the differences: public relations vs. marketing, advertising and social media.

promotional gifts

8 Ingredients for Awesome Promotional Gifts

Sending out a truly memorable promotional gift needn't break the bank. But just the right touches can leave a lasting positive impression upon others of your brand and yourself as an entrepreneur and overall thoughtful person. What makes a promotional gift stand out from the rest? Check out these things to consider before giving.

Business Independence getting ready for vacation

The Small Business Guide to Getting Ready for Vacation

If you're like many small business owners, you know the importance of taking some time off from your small business. But you may not always have time to do it. Perhaps you don't have a staff up to the task. Perhaps you have no staff at all. In either way, there are options to get some down time. Read on.

Cause marketing - heart

Cause Marketing: Definition, Examples and How To Do

Cause related marketing is exploding in popularity. Attribute it to the rise of the belief-driven consumer. In this piece we cover the basics of how to do a cause marketing campaign and how to make the most of it.

Tell your brand story with Crunchbase profile

Using Crunchbase to Build Your Brand

Crunchbase is an open business database. Learn the ins and outs of how to use Crunchbase to build your brand in a startup or small business, through a free Crunchbase profile.

BBB accredited business - Welcome Packet

How and Why To Get BBB Accreditation

Better Business Bureau offers accreditation to businesses meeting its standards. Read how to become BBB accredited, with unbiased answers to your questions.