Repcruit is a New Hiring Platform from PeopleKeys

Repcruit Hiring Platform is Now Available from PeopleKeys

When the job market gets tight, the many challenges of finding the right person for your company are amplified. The applicant tracking platform (ATS) from PeopleKeys called Repcruit looks to make the hiring process more manageable with a set of tools for finding the right person for the job.

PeopleKeys is putting 35 years of experience into the Repcruit platform with an online resource. With this technology, business will be able to gain more insights into each candidate to determine if they are the right fit for the company.

According to Repcruit, 80% of employee turnover is due to bad hiring. For a small business, the lack of resources in HR investment is a factor. But if the firing and hiring process is repeated many times, it can be more costly.

By investing more time and resources in the front end, businesses can avoid the mistake of repeating the hiring process over and over. This requires solutions which provide more information about a candidate than a resume.

In the press release PeopleKeys founder and CEO, Dr. Sandy Kulkin, explained how Repcruit will overcome this challenge.

Kulkin said, “Today, employers know resumes fall short of a complete candidate picture. Repcruit exists to provide hiring managers an instant snapshot of their prospects’ behavioral styles, matching them to the styles of individuals that typically excel in those roles.”

Features of the Repcruit Hiring Platform

Repcruit has a patent-pending predictive hiring technology along with ATS to optimize the quality of new hires and make it more efficient. You can post, search, filter, track, screen, and asses potential candidates in one place.

When you post an ad, you can share the URL with social media and other job boards to cast the widest net possible. When a candidate applies, he/she can be tracked at any time in the hiring process.

During the process, you can use automated workflows and templates to assess the skills of the candidates along with the level of their education.

At this time, the PeopleKeys DISC personality profile tool is used to assess behavioral soft skills. You can then compare the DISC profile of candidates with occupational benchmarks to predict the success of specific positions.

After all the applicants have been assessed, Repcruit lets you see the skill and behavioral scores of everyone so you can make the best possible choice for the job and your company.

The Cost of Hiring

Small businesses may not factor in many of the costs associated with hiring a new employee, but it can quickly add up.

It starts with agency fees, advertising costs, background checks and more. But depending on the position which needs to be filled, the size of your company, and the industry you happen to be in, the cost can get much higher.

A technology like Repcruit can cut many of these costs while helping you find the person which will be the right fit for your company.

Image: Repcruit 1 Comment ▼

Michael Guta Michael Guta is the Assistant Editor at Small Business Trends and currently manages its East African editorial team. Michael brings with him many years of content experience in the digital ecosystem covering a wide range of industries. He holds a B.S. in Information Communication Technology, with an emphasis in Technology Management.

One Reaction
  1. Recruitment will always be a need for a business. Having these platforms help you to organize everything.

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