The Reality of Working From Home With Cats

working from home with cats

Do you live with pets? And are you working from home with cats? If so, then you know exactly what it’s like to have cats like these two.

The caption of this video describes how the cats Cole and Marmalade “help” their humans with their work. Taking over at the keyboard is just one example of Cole and Marmalade’s adorable antics, which they are always showing off on their YouTube page. The video’s upload page perfectly describes it:

“Do you live with office supurrrvisors? Cole & Marmalade regularly check in on their humans when they’re working from home to make sure purroductivity levels are at their highest!”

Image: Video Still

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5 Reactions
  1. Hah! I love cats, but I wouldn’t let them in the house. But seeing this video makes me think it could be a fun one-time activity 😉

  2. Awww, they’re very cute. But if I had them, they’d be my work from home – there’d be little time to do much else.

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